How to Use Coconut In Your Cooking The Right Way


Coconut oil can be used in different ways of cooking, such as sautéing, searing, and frying. It is also a good substitute for butter. One must keep in mind that calorie intake must be kept in track while consuming it. As per the calorie intake, the quantity of coconut oil intake must be decided.

Coconut oil has saturated fat and is rich in medium-chain triglycerides. The smaller bonds found in medium-chain triglycerides are found to be rapidly absorbed and metabolised by the body. It also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Apart from all this, it doesn’t allow the development of certain types of cancers in your body.


Pathogens are harmful microorganisms that cause several diseases when they enter our bodies. Coconut oil consists of lauric acid, which is a saturated fat that helps in fighting pathogens in your body. However, saturated fats must be consumed in low amounts as it’s excess consumption raises the levels of LDL(bad cholesterol). This clearly indicates that coconut oil must be consumed in fewer amounts for healthy cooking.

Types of coconut oil

Refined coconut oil:

This one is more processed. The processes that its manufacturing undergoes are bleaching, high heating, and extraction. These processes remove the flavour and scent of the original coconut. It is better suited for the type of cooking where the coconut taste is not desired.

Unrefined coconut oil:

Natural processes are done to extract this type of coconut oil. It is extracted from fresh coconuts. Unlike refined ones, this oil consists of flavour as well as the scent of the original coconut. It is also referred to as virgin or extra virgin coconut oil. This type of oil is suited for cooking where coconut taste is desired.

The best part is you can use them both, as they have not much difference in them. The fatty acids remain the same for both of them, which is good for health. However, the specific difference between them involves the content of phytonutrients and antioxidants. The content is more in unrefined coconut oils.

Health benefits of coconut oil

Apart from cooking, you must know some health benefits of coconut oil.

Losing weight

Eating coconut oil provides better metabolism. The medium-chain fatty acids present means that coconut oil is sent straight to the liver from the digestive tract. The liver either consumes it for energy or converts it into ketones, a type of acid that your muscles and other tissues can use as fuel instead of glucose (from sugar).

It also helps to get rid of belly fat in the abdominals, which is quite difficult to do so.

Burns more calories when at rest

As per the study by the school of dietetics and human nutrition at McGill University, coconut oil is thermogenic, which means that it produces more fat-burning energy than others. Coconut oil can help you lose about 120 calories per day, even when you are resting.


The medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil make you feel fuller for the same amount of calories, which then makes you eat less, resulting in fewer calorie intake. Also, the ketones that are produced by the liver has a powerful appetite reducing effect.

How to use coconut oil in cooking?

To properly use coconut oil in cooking one must know its smoke point and its content intake.

High heat cooking

In the case of high heat cooking, the majority of cooking oils can’t withstand the high temperatures. Different cooking oils breakdown at certain temperatures and lose their nutritional value as well as impart an unpleasant taste to the foods. Coconut oils contain the right amount of saturated fats, which makes it withstand high temperatures while cooking. It is suitable for cooking roasted, baked and deep-fried foods.

However, depending on the type of coconut oil you are using, the temperature ranges are different. Extra virgin coconut oils break down beyond 350°F (176°C), so this type of oil can’t be used in deep frying. In the case of refined coconut oil, it breaks down beyond 400°F (204°C), so this can be used in deep frying.

The right way to limit its quantity while cooking

Instead of having many benefits to your health, consuming it in excess will affect your health. You may feel nauseous, fatigue, muscle pain, rashes, indigestion problems, hives, and possibly other problems.

To limit your consumption, take one tablespoon of coconut oil and put it in each section in an icecube tray and freeze them. When you want to consume, you’re then able to take a portion a day and not have the chance of overeating it.

How much coconut oil can we consume in a day?

On average, a person must consume 2,000 calories per day to maintain his/ her weight as well as health. Generally, a person should consume one tablespoon of coconut oil per day to extract its benefits. However, one must keep track of his/her calorie intake to maintain the overall required calorie intake of the body.


In conclusion, knowing the right way of cooking with coconut oil helps you to intake the right amount of this healthy fruit extracts every day, which has not only good taste but also has fantastic health benefits.


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