Have Your (Low GI) Bread and Eat It!


With growing health concerns, especially with Singapore’s government initiatives regarding diabetes, there is an increasing demand for wholegrain products. But just like the debate of white rice versus brown, we Asians still like our bread soft and easy to chew. However, soft and white bread is usually high on the Glycemic Index (GI) and this does not bode well for those who have diabetes who may experience a sharp spike in blood sugar.

What is the Glycemic Index?

As briefly explained in our previous article, the GI is a ranking of carbohydrate foods according to their effects on blood glucose levels (blood sugar). GI ratings range between 0 to 100, with ‘low’ being less than 55 and this indicates that the food releases glucose into the bloodstream gradually while GI ratings above 55 indicate a faster release of glucose into the bloodstream.

As such, those who are health conscious or have diabetes would choose foods with low GI so as to have sustained energy without sharp spikes and crashes in one’s blood sugar levels, which may result in one overeating or worse – medical complications. Thus, in the long run, consuming low GI foods helps one control diabetes and/or weight.

Low GI bread


Here’s some good news for bread lovers! Gardenia‘s first low GI (Glycemic Index) bread, the Nutri Multi-Grain Loaf, was launched in 2007 – even before low GI baked goods were widely known in Singapore. Gardenia has since developed the Low GI Soft Grain loaf, which is made with wholemeal, barley flour and oats – offering a softer and easier-to-chew texture.

Both types of bread are endorsed with the Healthier Choice symbol by the Health Promotion Board, and are also free from partially hydrogenated oils (as with all of Gardenia’s breads since the early 2000s), well ahead of the official ban announced by the Singapore Ministry of Health in 2018.

We have three Gardenia hampers worth S$100 to giveaway! Do read on for contest details!

The pledge against diabetes

In Singapore, 1 out of 9 persons aged 18 to 69 suffers from diabetes, which comprises more than 400,000 of the population. With World Diabetes Day commemorated annually on the 14th of November, Gardenia is pledging its support to Diabetes Singapore by being a virtual exhibitor at this year’s World Diabetes Day virtual event on the 15th. Besides raising awareness about the disease and promoting the importance of whole grains, Gardenia will also be sharing video recipes at its virtual booth, in hopes to educate the general public on the prevention and management of diabetes.

The World Diabetes Day virtual event is free for the public and more details can be found at www.wdd2020.com.sg.

Taste test

We put the two low GI loaves of bread to the taste test and we have to say that we couldn’t tell the difference between the Low GI Soft Grain loaf and the usual white loaf. As for the Nutri Multi-Grain Loaf, it was a lot denser than either the white bread or the soft grain loaf. We loved the texture of the Nutri Multi-Grain Loaf and it did keep us fuller for a lot longer time.

Verdict? These loaves are perfect alternatives for both health-conscious bread lovers and consumers with diabetes as they don’t compromise on taste and still delivers on nutrition.

All Gardenia bread can be purchased at all major supermarkets.


As mentioned, we have three Gardenia hampers worth S$100 to giveaway! Simply follow the following:

  1. ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ us on Instagram (www.instagram.com/thewellnessinsider) or Facebook (www.facebook.com/thewellnessinsider)
  2. ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ Gardenia on Instagram (www.instagram.com/friendsofgardenia) or Facebook (www.facebook.com/FriendsofGardenia)
  3. Look for our Gardenia hamper image and tell us why you’d like to win the hamper in the comments
  4. ‘Share’ and tag a friend to increase your chances!

Contest ends on 14th November 2020 at 11.59pm. Winners will be announced via our social media platforms on 15th November.

Images: Gardenia Singapore


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