Losing Pregnancy Weight Gain


Although most pregnant women lose half the baby weight 6 weeks after giving birth, many want to know how to lose the other half of the baby weight as quickly as possible. As discussed with Kareen Lai of Mums in Sync during one of our Table Top Talk sessions, women need to let their bodies heal for a certain amount of time before starting to think about going on a strict diet or even exercising.

Don’t rush it

Post-pregnancy, your body is still undergoing a lot of changes and requires time to heal. After the 6 weeks, do check with your doctor whether you’re fit enough to do light exercises such as walking. If you’re breastfeeding, wait till about 2 months or when your milk supply has normalised before cutting back on your calorie intake. Nonetheless, a healthy and balanced diet is recommended. Don’t skip your meals as this may result in lower energy, which will not be helpful in taking care of your child or losing weight either.

Just don’t stress yourself out to lose the weight, and simply enjoy taking care of your baby.


We all know this – besides a healthy diet, exercise will definitely help one lose the pounds and gain more energy, something that most mothers need when dealing with the young ones. However, as your body is still recovering, do not overdo it. Light physical exercise such as walking with the stroller or post-natal pilates can help get you back into an exercise routine without overexertion.

Stubborn fats

If it has been some time since giving birth and you’ve hit a plateau despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, then you may want to look for non-surgical body conturing treatments such as fat-freezing, ultrasound, radio frequency and laser lipolysis to remove stubborn fat safely.

Fat-freezing treatments such as Cryo-Fat Freeze, Z Combi or Coolsculpting involves the non-invasive cooling of fat cells, also known as cryolipolysis, to break the fat cells down without damage to other tissues. When exposed to cooling, the crystalised fats will then be removed by the body’s immune system and as a result, the fat layer will be reduced.

Another treatment is Elite Smooth Tone, which is done by medi-spas such as Privé Clinic, which works by targeting the fat right above the muscles. With precise temperature control, it delivers controlled heat to tissue while the surface of the skin is cooled with focused radio frequency (RF) technology.

The high-frequency energy makes fat cells release their contents, which is then flushed out by your body’s natural metabolic system and thus helps to decrease the fat layer. Moreover, this treatment can also tighten stretched out, loose skin on the abdomen after pregnancy – another problem mums face after giving birth.

Keeping the stretch marks at bay

Another complaint mothers have is stretch marks. So you may have been diligent with moisturising your skin throughout your pregnancy but still see uneven texture on the skin after giving birth. This can be due to cellulite, which is formed when fat cells gather and push upwards against the skin while connective tissues are pulled downwards. These, of course, are going to be difficult to get rid off with simple creams and massages.

Dr Karen Soh of Privé Clinic suggests Cellulite Smoothie and explains, “It is a completely safe, non-surgical procedure that’s popular for its fast effectiveness and long-lasting results. The treatment utilises a high energy radial shockwave that consists of 2 components – a positive pressure pulse and a comparatively smaller tensile wave component.”

The shockwave squeezes the surrounding tissue and breaks the grid structure of the molecules, while the tensile wave collapses gas bubbles within the fat structures (cavitation) – which then re-expand after the high energy radial shockwaves hit them, resulting in a destabilisation of fat structures.

Dr Soh commented that at Privé Clinic, a personalised body analysis to understand one’s concerns and therefore, allows them to recommend the best appropriate treatment based on your lifestyle and concerns.

Be realistic

You need to understand that you may not be able to return to your exact pre-pregnancy shape. With childbirth, many women will experience long-lasting changes to their body – wider hips or a bigger waistline. Make goals about your new body realistic and lose the weight in a healthy manner.

Images: Coolsculpting, Pixabay and Unsplash

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