Everybody makes mistakes at some point in life, whether it’d be something as small as breaking a simple rule or as colossal as…well, making a sexist campaign that objectifies women. However, what’s important when you make a mistake is not just about apologising for it but to make up for it, and to show people that you own up to it. That last part is what Brazilian Beer brand, Skol is trying to do and is one step forward for #bodyconfidence.
But let’s turn back time a little bit. Just what exactly did Skol do that it’s trying to make up for? The answer to that is also what you can blame nearly every beer company for. Skol, like many other businesses of its kind, used to specialise in creating ads that would cater towards the male gaze. It did this by promoting their beer in commercials with sexy women and gave men the impression that these beautiful women associated desirable men with Skol beer.
Granted, this isn’t anything new when it comes to alcohol brands, in fact, it’s because of those types of ads that the phrase “sex sells” became so popular, even with the ‘pin-up’ girl becoming somewhat iconic. Want to sell a couple of cans of beer? Just throw in a scantily clad woman there with a come-hither-look, and you’ll be swimming in money.
Most brands tend to shake off or ignore their past transgressions. For example, famous companies such as Hugo Boss, Volkswagen and even IBM (IBM!) supported Nazi Germany back in World War II. Of course, you’re not going to be hearing about that particularly unpleasant part of their legacy. Doesn’t stop people from learning about it and it certainly doesn’t give them any favours by trying to hide it.
Needless to say, sexism is not something any brand would be proud to admit nowadays, in an age where people are becoming more conscious about the treatment of women in the media, and Skol knows this too. Instead of simply brushing their past mistakes under the rug however, Skol has instead chosen to accept and make up for their past mistakes by starting their new “Reposter” campaign.
For Reposter, Skol sought out illustrators Eva Uviedo, Criola, Camila de Rosario, Elisa Arruda, Manuela Eichner and Carol Rosetti. These artists got a chance to rework and give new life to some of Skol’s old ads as a way to revitalise and show that there is diversity in women kind and that females are more than just another pretty face.
The artists were able to let their creativity flow and create different styles of ads that not only painted women in a new, more understanding, light but also catered to the female gaze! After all, we do live in a world where women are just as interested in beer as men are and are also the ones actively buying these drinks.
Nonetheless, Skol isn’t the first brand who’s trying to appeal to the female sensibility or to embrace this more conscious society. Mexican beer brand Tecate released a few series of (actually pretty dark and severe) ads condemning physical abuse against women, which isn’t on the same level as what Skol is doing but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
Which is why what Skol is doing is really refreshing and allows us all to laugh at all those old sexist ads in the first place. Now, who wants a cold beer?
Photo Credits: AdWeek and Skol