Oh massages, how I love thee. But during the “circuit breaker” period, most of us (including yours truly) were stuck working at home with no access to any spas and massage parlours. To add, working from home still means doing desk-bound work during normal work hours, with some of us being busier than normal! As such, your body is still under stress but you can’t relieve it by popping by your usual spa. And although we’re now in Phase 2, some spas have been booked out for weeks which means that getting relief for your aching shoulders and back will have to wait.
Or does it? That’s where OSIM’s uCozy came to my rescue! One of OSIM’s most popular products, the uCozy is a massager for the neck and shoulders and I was lucky enough to get a set to try out for this review. Furthermore, OSIM has recently launched its first-ever line of co-branded products with Disney. Kicking off with the iconic Mickey Mouse, the limited-edition series features four unique designs and is now available for order on OSIM’s online store. With Disney’s large repertoire of well-loved characters, OSIM will release other character designs progressively.
Review on the uCozy Neck & Shoulders Massager
The uCozy is designed for effective support and targeted relief of the neck, shoulders and back. It has 4 massage nodes that moves in a robust 3D dual-direction kneading motion in order to ease tense and aching muscles. The massager comes with a warmth function that further enhances circulation and eases tension.
But does it do the job well?
Honestly, I think the uCozy is one of the best massagers OSIM has come up with so far. I have a massage gun and have been using it long before I got to try out the uCozy and one area that the fascial gun is unable to massage would be my neck. As such, the uCozy’s massage nodes really felt like someone was kneading my neck and this helped eased a little bit of my stiff neck. It was absolute heaven to use the massager when I was having a migraine while still needing to work from home. Put on some aromatherapy and play some soothing music (remember to lock your door) and you’ll be creating your private oasis.
As the massager is lightweight and portable, I could move it to massage my shoulder blades and it felt as if I was doing myofascial release except that I wasn’t lying on the floor with my lacrosse balls. This was really really good and certainly helped relieve muscles that were stiff from using the keyboard and mouse all day. The fact that I could just sit there and let the uCozy release the knots in my shoulders made the experience even more satisfying. That said, you do need to adjust the massager or your body accordingly and you’ll need to use a relatively stable backed sofa, otherwise, the massager may “climb” up to your neck due to the massage nodes.
Ladies, if you get lower backaches due to PMS (like me), I highly recommend using the uCozy on the lower back with the heat on. This relieved the ache and soothed my back, where I felt that I could relax and walk normally without hunching over. I was recommending this to my friend and when she finally managed to visit me during Phase 2 of the “circuit breaker”, she tried it out and was so relaxed that she immediately went onto her phone to check out OSIM’s online store!
Where I think the uCozy could improve on is having a few levels of strength for the massage nodes. There were days where my neck and back were stiffer due to me spending longer hours at the desk but the machine only has 1 button to switch it on and off, so I found myself leaning harder against the machine just to get a stronger massage. Nevertheless, I do like the 20 minute stop function because you wouldn’t want to overheat yourself (or the machine), and too long of a massage may cause pain.
As mentioned, I do have a massage gun and no, I’m not throwing it away just because I have been using the uCozy. The uCozy’s advantage is in relieving tension in larger muscle groups as it mimics the kneading action. But if you often do sports and require spot massages, then you’ll need something like a massage gun or myofascial exercise balls and rollers for more targeted massages in areas such as your thighs, palms and arms. As such, I have been using both machines to achieve maximum full-body tension relief.
If you’ve read our previous article on how massages are beneficial to one’s health, I would recommend getting a general massager such as the uCozy to alleviate daily stress but if you’re still unsure which type massager is for you, why not rent one from OSIM?
Rent an OSIM machine
OSIM has rolled out their rental service which is a brilliant move as this gives us the chance to try out the products for a longer-term and experience the benefits of home massage. Currently, you can rent the uDiva 2, which is a sofa that can massage the fully body when the product extends out and it is very home-friendly as it can be compacted to become a comfortable sofa when not in use as a massage chair. One of my friends has this and whenever we go over to his place, we have a virtual queue to use it. Yes, it is that addictively comfortable and perfect in an HDB flat.
If you spend long hours at the desk, be it office or from home, you might want to then consider the uVibro which is a passive exercise lounger that helps blood circulation through vibration. Best for those who lead busy, sedentary lives as it ensures that you get some passive exercise while unwinding after a long day’s work.
The uTrek Smart Fitness Machine is also up for rent but interestingly, I heard that it has been fully rented out during the whole “circuit breaker” period! It could be individuals finding ways to still workout at home since the gyms have been closed. Once some units have been returned, it is still a machine that you might want to consider to have for your home workouts.
Health is important and we can’t have our temporary home office to be a literal pain in the neck, which is why I too am looking to get my own uCozy set (retails at S$149) once I return the loan piece!
The limited-edition Disney uCozy can be purchased at https://sg.osim.com/ucozy-x-disney-shoulder-massager.html, while information on the rental machines and fees can be found at https://sg.osim.com/rental-program/rental.html
Images: OSIM