Life is very unpredictable. Just two weeks ago, countries being locked down was an alien concept. Who had thought the world as we know it would be turned upside down by the Coronavirus with over 15,000 deaths to date. As a relationship and sexuality counselor, supporting people is at the core of what I do. Having returned from Gold Coast and now in self-isolation, I asked myself what I could do to support those who most need human connection at a time of physical distancing?
I looked up the various mental health support groups popping up on Facebook and quickly realised there was none specifically for people in Singapore, and so created one (24 members and counting) – “Free Coronovirus Emotional Support Singapore”. You are welcomed to join so we can support one another.
As so many of us are staying indoors, I have also pulled together all the resources I’ve found comprising of all the things you can do in isolation or need to know about corona prevention. You can download it here.
With all these developments worldwide going on, it is easy to be glued to the news and this only serves to heightens our anxiety. Several months ago, I read and decided to implement a self-accountability exercise as stated in this article “How to Increase Your Motivation in 2 Minutes per Day” by Benjamin Hardy. In it, Hardy recommended stating three goals per day and holding oneself accountable to them at the end of the day.
Having done this accountability exercise for more than 60 days now, I have found myself being better at managing my thoughts and actions – there is power in thinking through and writing them down. Hence as an additional offering to the world, I have set up a second Facebook support group Victory Day for people to share their daily goals.
Join us and see how the online accountability supports you in having Victory Days and taking back control of your lives during a time of uncertainty and confusion. Now more than ever, we need to do what we can do take care of ourselves, those around us, and recognise now we are not alone – we are all connected. Much love to all of you.
Images: Unsplash