If your kid spends half of their day at school, you can’t expect them to sit down when they come home and do their homework with enthusiasm. After a day filled with books, pens, letters and numbers, they will surely resist touching any of those at home. However, don’t stress out and be upset with your kid. No matter if they have math problems to solve, vocabulary to learn or things to read, there are great tips that can make their homework more fun. These 5 strategies will transform homework from a boring ride to an interesting rollercoaster.
Organise a family homework session
A great way to monitor your child while they do their homework without getting too involved is to grab your work and have a family homework session. You can answer emails, do taxes and catch up with your work while setting a great example of focused work for your child. This is also a great way to spend relaxing quality time together. Your child will love to be close to you, have someone to ask occasional questions and show off how well they can work.
Engage all the senses
Remember fidget spinners? There was a reason why all the children went crazy for them last year. They might seem a bit distracting, but they are actually a great tool to encourage kids to focus. Because they engage the kids’ sense of touch and sight, they help relieve nervous energy, anxiety and stress and allow better concentration.
If they don’t like fidget spinners, you can grab a tub of playdoh for your child and keep it near their homework station. Stress balls are another great way to engage the sense of touch, while white noise machines can break the distracting silence and give them a nice background noise to enjoy while studying.
Have a homework date
Homework can easily be turned into a fun play date with only a few friends. Invite them over and encourage kids to do their homework together. After they are finished, reward them with snacks and free time for play and fun. If there are no kids around or if your child needs more help than their friends can provide, you can get them to visit an experienced homework tutor to help with writing, reading and all sorts of other schoolwork. Through various games and worksheets, your child will have fun while developing higher fluency and literacy.
Design a fun workspace
Everything is more fun when done in an interesting and colourful environment. For instance, take Google or Apple and their workspaces. They filled their offices with all types of fun seating, activities and relaxation items to boost productivity and improve wellbeing. So, you can copy them to an extent and create a space that will promote fun, productivity and creativity. It’s much better than sending them to their room to do their homework alone.
Try providing their space with a standing desk, grab an exercise ball instead of a chair or get them a dynamic twisty and turny chair. You can also invest in a practical board and come up with different schedules. Visual learners will love to see what they did during the week and what else they have to do. They can write down important assignments, dates and encouraging messages and cross off finished tasks. It’s quite motivational to see how much they’ve progressed.
Don’t take it too seriously
If you put too much pressure on your child, it can totally destroy their love of learning, their motivation and your family relationships. There are hundreds of things that are more important than school, grades and homework. Think about what you would like your child to grow up into and don’t let homework get in the way of your values. If you think your child gets too much homework even after they clearly understand the subject, try to voice your opinion.
Even if that doesn’t change the teacher’s teaching techniques, your child will appreciate your effort and care. That can go a long way when it comes to your mutual respect.
As long as you approach homework as something fun, beneficial and interesting, your kids will have a much better and easier time finishing their post-school assignment. However, don’t push them too hard. No homework is worth risking your relationship with your child or endangering their mental health.
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Photos: Pexels