We are proud to say that our book Building Body Confidence is finally published!
Notable interviews are with local celebrity Eunice Olsen; Fiona Tan, Miss Top of the World Plus Size 2016; Cheryl Tay, Founder of Rock the Naked Truth, and Dr Martha Tara Lee, Singapore’s first clinical sexologist.
With Singapore’s National Day celebrations, we’re running a book promotion where you get to download a copy of our Building Body Confidence for FREE (retail price is US$7.99) from Mon, 5 August (afternoon) till Fri, 9 August.
Hardcopies will be available soon.
We hope that you will leave us a good review on Amazon once you’ve finished reading it!
To download, please visit amazon.com/dp/B07V2JFKXV.
Stay body positive always!
Melissa Fann
Some praises for the book
“This is a book that celebrates REAL women and not the stick-thin glamourised version of womanhood as portrayed by social media or the fashion and entertainment industries. Melissa has peeled away the facade of ‘false glamour’ by interviewing celebrities, models, and beauty queens who openly share about their own struggles of trying to look perfect and overcoming their self-hatred. All women should read this book and love themselves and their bodies wholeheartedly!” – Elsa Lim, Life and Career Coach
“With stories which illustrate the constant struggles of life. The read was inspiring and encouraging from these beautiful people!” – Arthur Choo, Founder of BEAT’ABOX
“As someone who has been condemned for my own body, I find this book valuable. I’m impressed with the wide range of perspectives on what body positivity means to them. And this intersection of all their world views gives us an enriched buffet of ideas for us to build our own idea on what body positivity means, and how we can be more empathetic to people with hidden problems.” – Kenneth Koh,
Images: The Wellness Insider