6 Easy Ways To Maintain Mental Wellness


Taking care of your physical health is almost always everyone’s top pursuit. While this is the right thing to do, focusing on it completely isn’t always the best strategy. To achieve overall wellness, you must not forget your mental health.

With all the stressors you face today, it’s not surprising that taking care of one’s mental health may often fall to the back of your list. Not everyone fully understands and holds a grasp of its importance.

Positive mental health enables you to be the best you can be in all facets of your life. It propels you to become a better person by looking at life from a different perspective and helps you improve your life coping skills.

People who need help with mental health problems should understand that taking care of their mental health isn’t selfish. In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself. Here are some of the ways to learn more about how to maintain mental wellness:

1. Connect With Other People

Human beings are social animals. You’re not meant to be alone. You’re meant to socialize with and talk to other people, particularly those who are within your age level.

Connecting with others is important for your mental health for the following reasons:

  • It enables you to receive and give emotional support to others who may be suffering from mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
  • It helps you build a sense of belonging.

Connecting and interacting with others can be challenging for those who live alone. There’s very little outside interaction, save for the minimal times you may leave your home for essential functions.

Especially now, when social gatherings, dining out, and working in a physical office are still barred by a global health emergency, many adults who live alone may find themselves more depressed. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to connect more with others, these strategies may come in handy:

  • Volunteer at a local community group;
  • If you live in separate homes but nearby, arrange a fixed time to visit and have a meal with your family.
  • Make use of technology to keep in touch with family, relatives, and friends.

2. Talk About Your Feelings

Often, you may find it better to simply keep things to yourself. You don’t have enough motivation to open up to people about your problems. Or, you simply just don’t feel like talking at all.

Talk about your feelings with those you trust. Just being listened to can help take that heavy weight off your shoulders and make you feel you’re not alone. Who knows, you might just be able to receive that piece of advice or verification you’ve long needed to hear?

When you consistently think that way, you’re repressing feelings and emotions. Unfortunately, in the long run, those repressed emotions are going to be heavy baggage you’ll keep carrying. There’s nothing else that can set you free like talking about your feelings.

Of course, this isn’t to say that you’re suddenly going to open up to anyone around you. Be more selective, so this process of talking about your feelings and problems will be healthy.

It’s a hard reality too, to accept that not everyone around you may have your best interest at heart. The last thing you’ll want is for you to have opened up to someone and then, later on, find out that your deepest problems have become the latest office gossip.

3. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

In most parts of the world, the social consumption of alcohol is permitted. But, this fact shouldn’t be a license for you to start heavy alcohol consumption. Worse, the incidence of alcohol addiction and dependence may also be high. When you have problems to face, it’s not at all surprising that turning to alcohol can be your first recourse.

While alcohol consumption might provide you with temporary relief from your problems, in the long run, it’s not doing your mental health any good. In fact, it’s just adding one more problem on top of another—one you shouldn’t do in your pursuit of improving your mental health.

The harmful effects of alcoholism on one’s physical health are clear. But, are you aware that it also has consequences for your mental health?

If you’ve fallen into the trap of alcoholism, that fact could be one contributing factor to why your mental health continues to dwindle. Here’s how:

  • Once alcoholism starts to control your life, it can affect once-healthy familial and personal relationships.
  • It can hamper your ability to fulfill work and family obligations, thereby causing even more strain in your relationships.
  • It can control your life, wherein you’ll start to avoid doing activities you once enjoyed with those around you, all so you can have more time to drink.

4. Engage In Physical Exercise

Engaging in physical activity isn’t just great for your physical fitness and health. It also has significant effects on improving one’s mental health. This fact should encourage you to tie your shoelaces and get out the door.

It Decreases Stress Levels

When you exercise, you’re reducing stress levels. Increasing your heart rate can reverse brain damage that’s stress-induced. This is achieved by stimulating the production of neurohormones like norepinephrine, which doesn’t just improve cognition but also improves your ability to deal with stress.

It Results In Better Sleep

Engaging in physical activity can increase body temperature. In turn, this can have calming effects on your mind and improve your ability to sleep better. If you’ve found yourself counting sheep lately just to fall asleep and yet you’re still not getting that shut-eye you need, then why not give exercise a try.

It Improves Your Mood

One of the characteristics of going through mental health difficulties is an erratic mood. One moment you’re happy, and the next you’re filled with anger. Exercising can be a good way to improve your mood, which, in turn, improves your mental health. It makes you feel as if you have more control over your life and your emotions.

5. Develop Positive Habits

Developing positive habits is also known as ‘flourishing’. This is when you see that change in your life, as it’s when you start to enjoy healthy relationships and positive emotions. No life is ever perfect, but you always see the glass as half full. You’ve found a sense of meaning and accomplishment in your life, even if it means little, fleeting things.

Positive people are generally happier people. You’re able to see the good – even in the worst of all situations. You understand those bad days aren’t meant to last forever.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, though. Developing positive habits isn’t something you can easily accomplish overnight. It’ll take some time to get used to.

But, soon enough, positivity will rule your life, as it has never done before. With these positive habits, you can change your life for the better.

  • Start With Small Adjustments: Take it easy. Small but consistent changes in your habits work better than big, drastic ones.
  • Once You Start, Commit To It: One change at a time, but with full commitment, can help drive negativity away.
  • Get Support From Your Family: Just be sure that those individuals you get support from are also positive and like-minded.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: This can help maintain the momentum in your life, so you can keep and develop good habits in the long run.

6. Avoid Illicit Drug Use

Unsurprisingly, substance abuse and mental health are linked. This fact is because of how illicit drug use has psychological effects on the brain.
Incidents of depression and anxiety are common among victims of drug abuse. Yes, it’s better to consider them victims, as perhaps they’ve simply thought that drug use can give them relief from their problems.

However, that false belief is where the negative cycle of poor mental health begins. Rather than providing you with a solution, drug addiction will only contribute even more to affecting your mental health.

If you’re addicted to drugs, it’s not too late to change. Start by undergoing therapy and counseling. Better yet, open yourself up to drug rehabilitation. One day at a time, you’ll be able to move on from an addiction that has once clouded your mental health and well-being.

Final Thoughts

Going through poor mental health doesn’t have to affect your life forever. Once you recognise that you’re going through life’s challenges, go ahead and support yourself. Then, count on the support of your trusted friends and family, and even mental health professionals.

Don’t forget to make new connections, be brave enough to talk about your feelings, and start doing physical exercises. It’s also important to steer away from alcohol and illicit drugs and start developing positive and healthy habits.

When your mental health is good, you can make the most of your life. Shouldn’t that be the goal when life only happens once? You can start today by applying easy strategies like those above.

Images: Adobe Stock and Envato

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