Embracing Change with Cancer Coach Tricia Pang at Sugar and Spice Festival 2020


As a proud partner for the inaugural Sugar & Spice Festival that’s happening this 1-15 August 2020, we are bringing you this series of interviews with presenters so that you get to know them better and their workshops.

Today, we have Tricia Pang, a good-humoured cancer coach and mindfulness practitioner, who is delivering the ‘Sex Changes: Embracing the “New Normal” in our Physical, Mental and Emotional State’ workshop at the festival. We ask her some questions about the workshops and her background. Please enjoy and sign up for her workshops!

Q: What are the main life-stages you will be covering in your workshop on “Sex Changes”? Is it specifically for men or women?

I’ll be covering how our sexual desires change as we experience through major transitions in life, such as after pregnancy, facing physical disabilities, chronic disease and aging. Some common issues faced such as erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, body image, and low libido. Learn how to embrace the new reality, explore the unchartered territories whether its a new body, new mindset, new partner, new stage in life and make the most of everything that comes our way.

Q: What ideas would you like participants to take away from your workshop?

Start an honest conversation with their partner. Caregivers of someone with a physical or mental disability can also be aware that just as any human being, there are sexual needs and desires. Let’s not accept that your sex life is over just because you experience some temporary challenges. Be creative. Be Kind to each other. We will all experience different seasons in our life. Every season has its own beauty and ways to enjoy it.

Q: You are a mother and have an extensive history of supporting women with various health issues. What are some of the biggest health issues women face in your experience (sexual or otherwise)?

Lack of self-care. Women are very good caregivers. However, when it comes to self-care, we tend to put our needs in the back burner. Women need to learn to truly listen to what we need, physically, emotionally and mentally. Self-compassion is something I always love to share with women. Extend the same compassion you have for others on yourself. Be mindful of our inner critics.


Q: Tell us about your journey to becoming a cancer coach. What were you doing before and how did you find yourself here?

I’ve always been in the “People industry”. Connecting with people comes naturally to me. After being diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age of 32, I knew I wanted a career that’s meaningful. I took up many courses that helped me understand the complexity of how humans think and it led to a professional certification in Coaching. My personal mantra is to “Aspire to Inspire before I Expire”. Cancer Coaching allows me to move in this direction. I started volunteering with the Breast Cancer Foundation as a befriender, sharing my cancer experiences. I realised many of the women I spoke with had issues beyond cancer. Cancer was just the tip of the iceberg and underneath, there were many emotional issues. Some are what I call Emotional Cancer and Mental Cancer. As a Cancer Coach, I dive deeper with these women to explore what’s holding them back, untie their emotional and mental knots, empower to live a more purposeful life.

Q: You describe yourself as someone “blessed with a good sense of humour” and having to go through “personal and medical dramas at a young age”. If you can choose to be another profession, what do you think you like to be, e.g. a standup comedian?

You read my mind!!🤣 Stand up comedian is definitely something my friends have said I can consider. I was in the drama club during secondary school. I fooled around so much that I was granted a “office-bearer” position as the Court Jester 🤡, which was specially made for me!  I might want to be a medical clown – those that visit children’s hospitals and bring smiles to those who are sick. I do believe a good laugh and good sleep can just be as effective as medicine!


If you’re interested to attend Tricia’s or other presenters’ workshops, please go to www.sugarandspice.asia to get your festival pass!


Images: Tricia Pang


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